Tuesday 2 May 2023

Where I got the idea for my Scottish Sword and Sorcery


Anyone for a bit of high magic, swordfighting and a taste of what Scotland was like before perfect teeth, nice hair and clean kilts became the order of the day in OUTLANDER?

Over the years I've written many stories set in my native country, in particular in the Watchers series. That series was written over twenty years ago now, and ever since I'd been itching to write some more historical fantasy set in Scotland.

I've tried my hand at several works of fantasy over the years, and they almost always come out the same way -- pulpy, with swords, sorcery, monsters and bloody battles to the fore. It's the way I roll.

I may start with good intentions, of writing high fantasy with political intrigue and courtly goings on but, as in the Watchers series or my Vikings vs Yeti book, Berserker, my inner barbarian muscles to the fore, says bugger this for a lark, and starts hacking.

The blame for my enthusiasm can be laid squarely at several doors.

There's Conan, of course, and Elric, Corum, Hawkmoon and the whole pantheon of Eternal Champions; there's Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, Solomon Kane, Jon Shannow, the princes of Amber and the shades of a thousand more by the likes of Poul Anderson, A E Merritt, Edgar Rice Burroughs, H Rider Haggard and many others.

I toyed with several ideas for a new Scottish work, but it took the death of two of my favorite writers to give me a kick. David Gemmell's muscular swordplay and Robert Holdstock's grip on mythic archetypes and the importance of history mixed in my head and gave me a sword-for-hire in 16th Century Scotland.

The late 1590s were a time of turmoil. Scotland was on the verge of many changes that would shape its future, from religious reformation, to the union of the crowns with England. But in many ways the country was still rooted in its medieval past, and fear of witches and demons was still a large part of everyday life. 

My Scottish sorcerer and swordsman, AUGUSTUS SETON lives in Stirling and is, usually, in the service of the King, fighting the good fight against the dark things of the world in between the drinking and wenching. Seton confronts demons, both internal and external, as he wanders on the fringes of history.

There are twelve stories in all so far. Back when I started writing them they were always meant to run as a series of chapbooks, and I'm pleased to now return them to my original vision for them. They are also currently in production as audiobooks.

Seton will return.

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